Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Science of Happiness.

Positive Psychology 

and the Science of Happiness.

On the internet and in bookstores, a thousand gurus tout different remedies for human misery. How can we find out which remedies work? We need to consult one of our greatest gurus, the scientific method. Recently we have seen a dramatic upsurge in scientific studies on Positive Psychology and the science of happiness or to put it simply, discovering what makes happy people happy. Fortunately, many of these studies point to specific ways of thinking and acting that can strongly impact our sense of well-being and happiness. The resulting discoveries are enriching the practices of counseling, clinical psychology, psychiatry and life coaching. In these pages, we review the most scientific studies and translate the results into non-technical English.

DISCOVER: The 7 Habits of Happy People

Is self-control is to blame for obesity?"

this really juicy question: 
"Do you think a lack of self-control is to blame for obesity?"
And here's how she answered:
 "I do not think a lack of self-control is to blame for obesity. Not at all.
The brain is wired to keep the body's energy reserves in a tight range, and modern foods have conspired to hijack these homeostatic mechanisms and force body fat reserves upward. Self-control, unfortunately, is not part of this equation.  
 My best analogy is this:
 There are some bodily processes over which we have conscious control ("self-control" if you will) but over which the brain is also exerting control. Breathing is one of them. You can choose to breathe fast or slow. You can choose to hold your breath. But if you're running upstairs, deciding to breathe slowly is only going to work for a short while. At some point, the brain is going to demand the oxygen it needs, and you WILL breathe faster. Self-control has no role in that, once a certain point is reached. 
Fuel is similar, and so is water. You can voluntarily eat less, or drink less, than the brain knows the body needs. And you'll win out for a while. But at some point, the brain is going to kick in and demand more fuel. Or more water. The time scale of this is much, much longer, so our illusion of control is way more pronounced than with breathing. 

Here's how our current patterns of eating have messed things up:
What's going on is that modern foods are raising baseline insulin levels up to 2x or more than their natural level. This is blocking the hormone leptin at both the hypothalamus and the brain stem. Leptin is one of the key hormones in our body's negative feedback loop that controls body fat homeostasis. The fatter our fat cells get, the more leptin is released. That leptin circles back to the brain and says, "You're not hungry anymore. No more fuel, please. And oh, by the way, you feel great, and you want to go get ACTIVE, because you have the fuel on board to go kill a wildebeest or build a hut or find a mate." If the brain sees little or no leptin, it knows fat stores have dropped dangerously low and the body is starving. It kicks in mechanisms to force our prioritization of eating more and seeking food at all costs. AND it makes us conserve energy at all costs.  With today's fatness, leptin is released but insulin is also high. And remember that insulin blocks leptin at BOTH the hypothalamus and the brain stem. So, the leptin that's there is never registered, never "seen" by the brain. The obese individual actually shows all the biological markers of starvation, no matter how much food is consumed.  In another part of the brain, something equally insidious is going on. The sugar and flour that form the foundation of the Global Industrial Diet flood the nucleus accumbens with dopamine. That causes dopamine down-regulation, exactly the same as with cocaine or heroin addiction. The cravings that result form a massive motivational impetus to get more food.  With easy access to sugar/flour food practically everywhere, the brain is going to get what it needs.  And finally, as the obese person rallies to diet one more time, the cruel trick is that the seat of willpower in the brain, the anterior cingulate cortex, goes offline if blood glucose drops. So at mealtime, it's not possible to rally "self-control" and make a healthy choice about what to eat. Self-control is beside the point. *Sigh.*"

Register for the free and very awesome Food Revolution Summit, 
Click here right now and just do it!!!


Saturday, April 23, 2016


Ten weeks ago, I started SUSAN PEIRCE THOMPSON's 

BRIGHT LINE EATING BOOTCAMPI was exhausted from being fat, thinking about being fat, and beating myself up for not being able to change what I knew had to change. I felt overwhelmed and powerless.

ENTER: Susan Peirce Thompson, with her perky smile and bubbly-way, but also with her facts, SCIENCE, and true life experience with addictions & food. She made promises. Promises I could only hope and pray could be true. 

She promised that if I followed the BLE (bright line eating) path that I could become what she calls, "HAPPY, THIN AND FREE!". That path meant at its core:

     1:  restricting all sugar and flour

     2:  eating only 3 meals a day (NO in-between snacking) 

     3:  weighing and measuring everything I ate.

To tell the truth, at first, it sounded too hard to do. Give up beer and nachos? What kind of life would THAT be? I imagined a bleak world, a very empty place indeed. But I later found out that that was just the addict inside me talking, fighting to stay comfortable in my uncomfortable, overtaxed, over-weight, confused body. 

With a little help from the universe, I joined the bootcamp and was assigned to a Facebook "community support group" of about 400.  I was skeptical of all the LOVE & SUPPORT from that group at first, but slowly learned to accept it. 

One week into the program, with my new food scale getting a regular workout, I began to feel a little more in control of myself. I began to think that this just might work. My tight pants began to fit me just right and then even felt loose.  The inflammation in my knees began to lessen. My constant food binging and urges began to diminish. 

I listened to each "module" closely and appreciated the un-judgmental tone. I adapted the program to suit myself and did not beat myself up when I "broke the bright lines", I simply RE-ZOOMED!

I also found listening to positive affirmations by Louise Hay helpful, and listened to the ideas of ABRAHAM HICKS to understand the laws and power of attracting what I want into my life. I watched multiple videos about the powerful negative effects of SUGAR on the body, including an important one called "SUGAR, THE BITTER TRUTH".  The more I learned, the easier it was to stay on the right path. The path to a happier, thinner me. 

The Universe also provided a path so that I was able to attend the BRIGHT LINE EATING "Family Reunion" in San Diego, (which was the first BLE convention). This was important, because it was here that SPT unveiled two  NEW key elements of the Bright Line process:   


But EQUALY important, it was here that I met and connected with some many amazing Bright Line People, so full of love and hope and compassion.  I realized we really were a TRIBE. An emerging cultural phenomenon called the FOOD REVOLUTION. (By changing what eat eat, we change what we buy, which in turn changes what the market will provide. If we all ate simple, healthy foods, the highly sugared, highly processed foods would just be left sitting on store shelves collecting dust...and eventually would stop being produced and marketed.)

Today, I am not even half way to my ultimate goal weight, but (in another way) I am achieving my goal every day... 

Because my goal is to eat the right foods, in the right portions, at the right times, so that my body can best process the nutrients I need. I know I am eating in a way that allows my body to Heal Itself, simply by getting out of my out way (by eliminating the junk and sugar that was bombarding and sabotaging my body's effort to be healthy and well run). As a result of my efforts and following the bright lines,  I think more clearly, my A1c blood sugar levels have dropped by 3 points, I can stand up with less effort and bend over with out grunting and groaning. I feel better and I have energy.

I truly believe that through this process I am finally manifesting what and who I truly am. A successful, happy person. And now as I grow thin and re-gain control of my life like never before, I am free to be of service to others, to succeed in areas I felt incapable of succeeding in in the past. I have a new lease on life. 

Thank you Susan Peirce Thomson and Crew. Thank You! 


Take the free testhttp://happythinandfree.com/

Sunday, April 3, 2016



The Surprising Science of Happiness | Dan Gilbert



INSTEAD OF OATMEAL: Coconut Chia Porridge


I love serving up a big bowl of this delicious coconut chia porridge. It’s grain-free and the figs, pistachios and vanilla beans give it a real depth that everyone in my family appreciates. The best part: You can even combine the seeds and coconut ahead of time in a jar with your own choice of spices and dried fruit for an easy, ready-to-go, hot “cereal” mix. As always, I buy all my ingredients in advance here so I can save money and time—I hope you and your family enjoy this hearty breakfast as much as we do!
4.4 from 5 reviews
Coconut Chia Porridge
Prep time
Cook time
Total time
A healthy hot breakfast cereal or Porridge with chia sees, flax seeds, hemp, coconut and figs + pistachios for flavor. Hearty and satisfying...
Recipe type: Breakfast
Serves: 1
  1. Pour the almond milk into a small to medium-sized saucepan. Slice vanilla bean in half, lengthwise, and scrape seeds into milk. Warm the milk over medium-heat until it comes to a gentle boil. Add the flax, chia, and hemp seeds along with the coconut, and stir to combine. Reduce the heat to simmer and stir over low heat until porridge thickens.
  2. Season with a small pinch of salt. Serve immediately with pistachios and figs, and honey drizzled over top.

Painting Your Future with THOUGHT: LOUISE HAY


Saturday, April 2, 2016


On September 22, news broke that governor and U.S. presidential candidate Chris Christie had given General Michael Cunniff, the leader of New Jersey’s 9,000+ national guardsmen, a weighty ultimatum. The general had 90 days to slim down — or he would face dismissal.
As it turns out, General Cunniff did not meet the military’s basic combat-readiness criteria, and the governor was the one who had to issue the command.
In response, Cunniff said: “Many people struggle with weight control — I am not immune from this.”The irony, of course, is that Governor Christie himself has had his own share of weight struggles. In fact, in 2013, the governor had surgery — known as a gastric band procedure — to close off a section of his stomach. At the time, experts believed he weighed in at more than 400 pounds.
Many people pointed the obvious finger at Governor Christie, accusing him of hypocrisy.
But I think these people missed the whole point.
Whatever you think of their politics or positions, there is no doubt that both Governor Christie and General Cunniff are smart, motivated, successful men.
And therein lies the powerful enigma of obesity.
More than two-thirds of all Americans are overweight. And right now, more than108 million Americans are on a diet. The average dieter makes four or five attempts each year. And less than one percent of these attempts actually result in long-term weight loss.
We hear these statistics all the time, but I think we’ve become numb to what they’re actually telling us. Is there any other sphere of endeavor where so many people try so hard with so little success? What would we think if fewer than 1 percent of people who enrolled in college ever graduated, while the other 99 percent spent billions dropping out and re-enrolling four or five times each year?
Many of life’s problems can be solved by an onslaught of intelligence, ambition, motivation, and perseverance. But for the vast majority of people, that just isn’t true for weight. So clearly our approach and commonsense understanding are flawed.
The fact is that, for most people, lasting weight loss takes a lot more than willpower or desire. According to recent research, it takes a fresh understanding of how the brain interacts with food.
Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson is a tenured psychology professor with a Ph.D. in Brain and Cognitive Sciences. For 16 years she struggled under a torturous relationship with food. She dieted again and again, only to watch her weight balloon back up. She was clinically depressed, and, in her darkest hours, would lie in the fetal position and weep for a solution.
Finally in 2003, Dr. Thompson’s cognitive studies put her in the path of the answers she’d been seeking. She shrank from obese to slender in six months and today she’s among the top .01 percent of successful weight loss maintainers.
Now Dr. Thompson has created a program called Bright Line Eating to share what she’s learned about how the brain blocks weight loss and so far the results are promising. She reports that for the first 1,000 graduates, her program was three times more effective and seven times faster than Weight Watchers.
I asked Dr. Thompson if she had any insight into why Governor Christie and General Cunniff might be struggling to lose weight, despite intense scrutiny from the public and the threat to the viability of their future careers, not to mention theirhealth.
She had this to say:
I don’t know them, of course, but my guess is that they’re both really high on the Susceptibility Scale. That’s the scale that measures how susceptible someone is to the addictive properties of refined foods. They’re not alone. Research shows that one-third of people are high on the Susceptibility Scale. It makes it nearly impossible to lose weight unless you understand what you’re up against. If you’re low on the Susceptibility Scale, indulging in a craving makes it go away. But if you’re highly susceptible, indulging just makes the craving stronger.
In evolutionary terms, Dr. Thompson explained to me, being highly susceptible was a good thing. But today we’re surrounded by cues to eat foods that have been refined to affect our brains exactly the same way as drugs do. We have a food industry that spends tens of billions of dollars every year marketing highly processed, highly sweetened, and highly addictive foods. In this context, being susceptible is seriously dangerous.
We live in a society that, all-too-often, blames overweight people for their suffering — as if they lacked willpower. But, according to Dr. Thompson, the problem isn’t at all a deficiency of willpower. The problem is that some of us are highly susceptible to food addiction — and have no roadmap to conquer it.
Fortunately, there are answers that can help. And Dr. Susan Peirce Thompson has developed something that appears like it could provide tremendous help to a lot of people.
Perhaps even Governor Christie and General Cunniff.
To find out how you score on Dr. Thompson’s Susceptibility Scale, take her free quiz here.